On this page you can view video clips, pictures, and full-length videos of several of Brother David Frazie's messages preached in revival meetings.

To play the videos, click the link or thumbnail.
About Tent Revivals and Home-Run Sunday

"Why You Should Host A Tent Revival in Your Community"

A tent set up next to the local church-host provides a means of edifying and reviving church members and reaching the local community where lost and un-churched people can interface with your church and hear the gospel preached on neutral ground.

"Why You Should Host A Home-Run Sunday"

We found some great truths in the Bible that parallel the game of baseball, and the do’s and don’t of Babe Ruth.


Revival Sermons by David Frazie

"Sticking to What the Bible Says"

Bon Secour, AL; Fishermen Baptist Church 102523 

"A Word for All"

Oak Hill, OH; Gallia Baptist Church 060420 

"Seize the Moment"

Semmes, AL; New Life Traditional Baptist Church 110322

"Minding the Stone Wall"

Oak Hill, OH; Gallia Baptist Church 060320

"How's Your Ministry?" Reviving a dead faith.

Wheelersburg, OH; 110622

"An Overview of Future Events"

Oak Hill, OH; Gallia Baptist Church 060520 



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